Back Pain Treatments

Back pain can make it very difficult to carry out your normal daily activities. Dr. Joseph Blum of Blum Family Chiropractic in Mishawaka, IN offers a selection of therapies and treatments that help to provide relief from back pain. 

Chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractic adjustment is the bedrock treatment of chiropractic care. The belief that the body is self-sustaining and self-healing when everything is working at the optimal level. If the messages can't get from the brain to the rest of the body, function declines and the impediment needs to be removed. By manipulating the spine to get things back into alignment, the messages can get where they are supposed to be and back pain relief is provided. 

Many different techniques are used to make adjustments, some are gentle, some are vigorous, and the treatment will be personalized to your condition and your body. 

Myofascial release

Myofascial release is massage therapy that releases the trigger points in the fascia that are causing severe pain. The pain can be caused by damage to the fascia itself or from the tissue that is connected to bones and joints. The goal is to loosen the spot that has tightened up to relieve the pain.


Graston is a rehabilitative therapy that treats the soft tissue that may be causing the pain in your back. This therapy is used on many parts of the body to help break up scar tissue and release the tightness that is causing stress. 

Therapeutic exercise

Therapeutic exercise is designed specifically to treat a specific condition. Unlike normal exercise, this exercise will be personalized to you and your back pain. You will be able to do it at home to continue your treatment. Stretches are often used to improve your back health and strength. 

Electrical stimulation

Electric stimulation therapy uses low levels of electricity to stimulate the muscles to make them contract. When they do this, after a while, they get tired and relax. This helps to relieve the pressure and tension in the back. It is a therapy that works well with other treatments your chiropractor may try. 

When back pain is affecting the quality of your life, it is time to get relief. Contact Dr. Blum of Blum Family Chiropractic in Mishawaka, IN at (574) 699-4432 for an evaluation today. 

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