What is an adjustment?

Dr. Joseph Blum of Blum Family Chiropractic, serving Mishawaka, IN, and the nearby region, provides chiropractic adjustments quite frequently, as they have a variety of benefits. Before you schedule one, though, it helps to know what to expect and how they could benefit you. 

General Information 

Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal alignments, are basically treatments that realign your spine to ease pressure on the surrounding nerves and soft tissue. The ultimate goal of them is to restore nerve function. 

During the treatment, our chiropractic specialist will manually apply gentle force to your vertebrae, which in return, improves the range of motion in your spine and eases pain.

As a general rule, you'll need more than one alignment to receive all the benefits. Typically, a patient may need five to 10, but that depends on the condition. Some individuals choose to continue with the treatment as preventative care. 

Conditions Treated With Spinal Alignments 

This treatment is beneficial for both acute and chronic conditions. 

Our practitioner may recommend you receive chiropractic adjustments if you have a bulging or herniated disc. 

You may receive chiropractic adjustments if you have degenerative disc disease, suffer from sciatica symptoms, or experience frequent headaches or migraines, among other issues. 

Other conditions treated by chiropractic alignments include the following:

  • Spondylosis 
  • Spinal stenosis 
  • Whiplash 
  • Fibromyalgia

Keep in mind that these are merely a few examples, and our practitioner may feel chiropractic adjustments could benefit you for other reasons as well. 

Visit Dr. Blum at Blum Family Chiropractic in Mishawaka, IN, today if you have back pain or any of the aforementioned issues. Our practitioner can provide you with chiropractic alignments that help manage the pain or other effects naturally. That's because this treatment gets to the root of the problem rather than covering symptoms. 

spinal manipulation

A chiropractic adjustment, also known as chiropractic manipulation, is the primary treatment method chiropractic physicians use in practice.

Spinal manipulation relieves pressure on joints, reduces inflammation, and improves nerve function. It has been a trusted form of treatment since the ancient Greek Hippocrates documented manipulative techniques in his writings back in 1500 B.C. Today, spinal manipulation is used to treat a variety of neuromusculoskeletal conditions including low back pain, midback pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, sprains, strains, TMJ, thoracic outlet syndrome, scoliosis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, arthritis, and more! 

How Does Spinal Manipulation Work?

There are well over 100 types of adjustment techniques used by chiropractors - all of which are intended to restore joint function and reduce pain and inflammation.

When vertebrae shift out of place, dysfunction results - first in the joint complex itself, then impacting surrounding nervous, muscular, and connective tissues. With malalignment of the joint left uncorrected, pain and dysfunction of other related body systems may result. Without proper alignment, neither our nervous system, nor our immune system can function at optimal performance.

Overall, spinal adjustments and manipulations are an excellent way to keep the body functioning at its highest level without any discomfort. When the body is adequately aligned, function is restored and maintained.

Will I Experience Immediate Results?

For some patients, complete resolution of symptoms or regain of full function can be achieved after a single adjustment. Others may require additional visits for obvious change and/or optimal results. Factors such as age, severity of the problem, and how long the problem has been left uncorrected, can impact length of treatment plan. Immediate reactions to treatment may vary, ranging from a sense of "relaxation" to "clarity". Some patients have even described feeling a sense of "euphoria".

Is Chiropractic Safe?

Since in practice, Dr. Blum has performed tens of thousands of neck adjustments without one serious complication.

Here are the statistics: Serious complications from chiropractic treatments are extremely rare. Every reliable published study estimating the incidence of stroke following cervical manipulation agrees that the possibility is less than 1-3 incidents per million treatments, and about one incident per 100,000 patients who are being treated with a course of care consisting of numerous cervical manipulations. For comparison, the annual incidence of cervical artery dissection is about 1-5 per 100,000 persons in the general population. Most chiropractors will never see such an incident in their lives, despite that fact that most chiropractors perform thousands of neck adjustments per year.

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