Sciatica Treatments

If sciatica is putting a halt to your life, Dr. Joseph Blum and the team at Blum Family Chiropractic in Mishawaka offer natural and effective sciatica treatment plans.

Sciatica Relief Through Chiropractic Care

Sciatica is a term most people have heard, but it’s often misunderstood. It is, however, painful and can be debilitating. While many believe that the only way to relieve sciatica is through surgical intervention, chiropractic care can actually provide natural and lasting relief. Learn more in the guide below from Dr. Blum and our team at Blum Family Chiropractic in Mishawaka.

Understanding Sciatica

Sciatica is not a condition itself but rather the term used to describe symptoms associated with damage or compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body. It begins in the lower back and splits to travel down each leg to your feet.

Often, the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or pinched, and it typically happens due to disc issues. In some cases, it’s caused by a herniated disc. This means that one of the spinal discs has a tear in the outer casing, which allows the inner cushioning gel to spill out. Many times, it spills onto the sciatic nerve.

Sometimes, it’s due to disc degeneration. In short, this means that the discs are not as full and plump, so they don’t provide the necessary amount of cushioning. It often occurs with age and leads to a pinched nerve.

How Can Sciatica Be Treated Naturally?

The most effective way of treating sciatica is to relieve the compression from the nerve. Chiropractic care can effectively do this through the following techniques.

  • Adjustments: Misalignment of the spine is one of the leading causes of herniated discs, so it’s often the source of sciatic nerve compression. Restoring alignment through adjustments relieves the pressure from the discs. This also removes constrictions that block blood and healing nutrients to the spine. Once they can flow freely again, they stimulate the healing process to repair and rehydrate your discs.
  • Chiropractic massage: Massage can help relieve tension in the back and help relieve muscle spasms caused by sciatica. It can also improve blood flow, oxygen circulation, and your range of motion.
  • Therapeutic exercises: Strengthening and stretching movements can help build the core up enough to help maintain alignment. They also help improve blood flow, restore range of motion, and relieve pressure on the discs and nerves.

Learn more about how chiropractic care can relieve your sciatica symptoms by visiting Dr. Blum at Blum Family Chiropractic in Mishawaka. Call (579) 699-4432 to schedule an appointment today.

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